Hit Me Baby One More Time

Curation: Eline Tsvetkova & Kerim Zapsu

Venue: Barın Han, Istanbul

Opening - Closing Dates: 16 June 2022 – 04 July 2022

Exhibition SFX: Jtamul

Presented by Viable

Photography: Kerim Zapsu

Another night
another flight meandered and
brought the forgotten image nearer.
Closer, closer comes hand to face
further, further feels obstacle from place

Oh baby, baby, how was I supposed to know?
About crying lobsters and wild Bugatti’s
Goldberg variations played by Joe Rogan
gothic ornaments in an IKEA manual

and wanderlusts challenged with tweezers.
How was I supposed to know that we
the era of juxtaposition
was thus as concrete as ever?

Something wasn’t right, yeah.
Lemme tell you bout that light
that night I touched the database
and gave it the juice and
all that came out was wonders and doubts.
Words blurted out onto the screen of reason
spoken in a Victorian tone.
Medusa’s hair fell out and I
ain’t got the comb to straighten the knots.

Oh baby, baby, how was I supposed to know
that meaning is generated
in a reoccurring trend.

And yet
give me a sign?

-Eline Tsvetkova